This room is a green monochromatic color scheme, with mixed in whites, browns, and blacks. The 3 other colors thrown in are the neutrals that give your eyes a rest. A monochromatic color scheme has a calming affect on the mind. You would use this in a place where people should be calm and at peace.
Analogous Color Scheme
This color scheme is analogous. Analogous colors blend harmoniously because they are generally related to each other. They are also related to each other in position on the color wheel. They usually have less contrast than complementary colors, lending a sense of peace.
Split Complementary
This is a split-complementary style office. They are more harmonious and a bit less loud than just two complements. They give just the right amount of contrast. They add interest but work together to bring out the greater qualities in each other.
Triadic colors are more like complementary colors that are two instead of three. They are equal distances apart from each other on the color wheel. It offers strong visual contrast while retaining harmony and color richness using a limited color palette. The primary (above) and secondary colors are examples of this scheme.
Bailey Lundberg